Great blog post Eric! I definitely qualify as a hyper-watter wannabee but have been focusing lately on "hyper-water-saving." This is just as addictive as hyper-miling and hyper-watting. I have low-flow shower heads with valves that I can push to shut off the water temporarily when lathering in the shower, I've upgraded all of my toilets to 1.28gpf HETs, fixed all of the leaks in the house, I don't water my lawn and I have aerators on my faucets. I also track my water usage through my monthly utility bills and have this data in a spreadsheet with graphs showing Year-over-year water usage. I love to run models like average water usage trends based on events where I modified my water usage as described above. If anyone thinks that what I just described sounds like fun, you might be a hyper-water-saver and hyper-watter wanabee too!